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Vitamin D Erased the Need for ICU to COVID-19 Patients

As scientists race to gain an understanding of the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19, a growing number of studies are investigating the potential role of nutrition supplements in how the disease plays out and Vitamin D recently became the subject of international attention sparking discussion that lower vitamin D status may be associated with critical cases of COVID-19.

We now know that, from a pharmacologist point of view, both vitamin D3 and COVID-19 target similar physiological systems namely the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) especially the ACE2 receptor and the immune system.

In addition, Vitamin D is approved by the European Food Standards Agency for supporting normal function of the immune system and bone and muscle function.

In fact, a recent study has presented clinical evidence for the use of vitamin D to treat COVID-19. Conducted by Spanish researchers, the study was published in The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the end of 2020.

The pilot randomized clinical study enrolled over positive COVID-19 patients hospitalized with symptoms of acute respiratory infection, the scientists divided them into two groups randomly, both groups received the standard protocol for COVID-19 treatment while one group received vitamin D (vitamin D treatment group) and the other was the control group.

Their goal was to determine if early intervention with vitamin D could improve outcomes of COVID-19 and reduce the need for Intensive Care Unit (ICU) admission.

The results show that 50% of the control group required admission to the ICU with 8% deaths, while only 2% the vitamin D treatment group required admission to the ICU, with no (0%) resulting deaths.

Authors conclude that the administration of vitamin D as adjuvant therapy at the early stages of COVID-19 significantly reduced the need for admission to the ICU and severity of the disease and may improve the clinical outcome of subjects requiring hospitalization for COVID-19 regardless of existing comorbidities, as you can see in the illustrated chart below.

This is indicating that Vitamin D supplementation reduces the odds of needing ICU admission by 96% and might decrease the probability of death by 100%.

Indeed, I know that the sample size involved in the study was small around 76 patients but the randomisation and prospective design still make it worthy research and also the same was something addressed by the British Medical Journal in a featured letter:

“Although this was a small trial, the ICU results are so dramatic that they are statistically highly significant.”

In line with the study, we just want to remind you with Vitamin D hammer protocol for adults and kids if you are COVID-19 positively infected or have been exposed and contacted an infected person or suspected infected person to give your body immediate protection.

Start with Ditamin BabyVit and AdulVit D to get your D to 40 ng/ml (100 nmol/L) and higher:

Oral Vitamin D hammer protocol for adults: 50,000 IU daily for 2-3 days, then followed by maintenance 50,000 IU once in 15 days always.

Oral Vitamin D hammer protocol for children: 100 IU / kg /day (at least), Infants 1200 IU daily, 1 to 10 years 2000 IU/day, 11 to 17 years 4000 IU/day for 2-3 days, then followed by maintenance dose. All these doses are classified by the EFSA NOAEL (No Observed Adverse Effect Level).

Ditamin BabyVit and AdulVit D are ensuring optimal levels of vitamin D which is an easy way to help support your immune system both innate and adaptive responses because Ditamin is just pure FDA, GMP standard Vitamin D3 without any artificial additives it’s tasteless, colorless and odorless.

It is highly important to highlight that along the entire types of Vitamin D supplements available in the market Ditamin AdulVit 50,000 IU, 5,000IU and 1,000IU are the smallest pills worldwide ever because patient’s compliance matters to United Pharma Canada.

We hope that this study could help your physicians to improve the clinical outcome of their positive COVID-19 patients using Vitamin D adjuvant treatment to reduce the need for admission to ICU and consequently the derived potential risk of death.


  1. nutrients-07-04240 Modulation of the Immune Response to Respiratory Viruses by Vit D
  2. Nutrients 2020, 12, 988 Evidence that Vitamin D Supplementation Could Reduce Risk of Influenza and COVID-19 Infections and Deaths
  3. Antioxidants 2020, 9, 624; doi:10.3390
  4. Canadian Family Physician 0610507- vitamin D for influenza.
  5. BMJ 2020-139065 -Short term, high-dose vitamin D supplementation for COVID-19 disease a randomised, placebo-controlled, study (SHADE study).
  6. EFSA Journal 2012;10(7):2813.

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